Many people have outstanding student loans when they start contracting, but how you calculate and make repayments if you work for yourself, and not a ‘traditional’ employer?
Have you received a cryptoasset tax ‘nudge’ letter from HMRC?
If you’ve traded cryptoassets for a profit, you might assume that any gains you make are tax-free. However, this is not the case.
Networking advice for IT contractors – why keeping in touch is vital
For many IT contractors hearing the word “networking” causes a cold shiver to run down their spines. It conjures up images of stuffy conference rooms, drab food and forced awkward small talk.
How to change umbrella companies – a stress-free guide to switching providers
If you’re an umbrella company employee unhappy with the service you are receiving, how do you change providers? Initially, it may sound rather daunting. However, changing umbrella companies is a straightforward process in reality.
Limited company shares and shareholders – what are your rights and responsibilities?
If you work through a limited company, you’re not the business, even if you’re the company’s sole owner. But how do shares work, who can be a shareholder, and what are your rights and responsibilities?
The Top 10 umbrella company questions – asked by employees
Here is a list of the Top 10 most commonly asked questions by umbrella company employees, based on our experiences of working with umbrella providers (and contractors) over the past 10 years.
How to choose the best IT contractor accountant
With hundreds of firms to choose from, we look at the factors you should bear in mind when comparing specialist contractor accountants.
What is an SA302 tax calculation form and how can you download yours?
An SA302 – provided by HMRC – provides evidence of your earnings during a particular tax year. You might need one if you apply for a mortgage or loan.
Does IR35 apply to sole traders?
If you run your business as a sole trader, IR35 does not apply. Here, we explain why the Intermediaries Legislation only applies to limited company contractors.
Limited company expenses – interest, banking and finance costs
How are finance and interest costs are treated for tax purposes, and which expenses can be offset against your limited company’s Corporation Tax bill?
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