Employers, employees and the self employed pay National Insurance Contributions. What rates of NI do contractors pay in 2024/5?
Autumn Budget 2024 update – 30/10/24
- Employers NI will rise from 13.8% to 15% from April 2025.
- The secondary threshold will be cut from £9,100 to £5,000.
- The employment allowance will increase from £5,000 to £10,500
More budget updates here.
NI – the basics
The National Insurance system was originally put in place to protect workers during times of sickness and unemployment. It was first founded in 1911, before being expanded in 1948.
National Insurance Contributions now account for an increasing proportion of total UK Treasury receipts.
In fact, NI is just another tax on income. It is easier, politically, to raise NICs, but far less so to increase income tax rates.
Employers, employees and the self employed all pay different rates of NI which we explore in this guide.
This article has been updated for the 2024/25 tax year.
Different classes of NI
- Class 1 – paid by employers and employees.
- Classs 1A – paid by employers on the value of benefits or expenses paid to employees.
- Class 2 – voluntary contributions paid by the self employed to ensure no gaps on your NI record.
- Class 3 – voluntary contributions – if there’s a gap in your NI record.
- Class 4 – paid by the self employed.
Class 1 National Insurance for Employees
Employees pay Class 1 NICs on salaries.
If you’re a contractor, you are an employee of your limited company or an umbrella company.
In some rarer cases, you might be a PAYE employee of an employment agency.
If you are an umbrella company or agency employee, your employer deducts income tax and NICs at source. These funds are automatically paid to HMRC on your behalf via the payroll process.
If you work via your own limited company, you have more flexibility over your exposure to National Insurance. It all depends how you draw down funds from your company.
If you pay yourself and any other employees a salary below, or at the current NIC primary threshold (£12,570), you pay no employees’ NI at all.
Importantly, you don’t pay National Insurance Contributions on company dividends.
Class 1 Employees’ NIC rates
As an employee, you pay Class 1 Employees’ NICs on earnings above the current Primary Threshold (£12,570).
The Class 1 Employees’ rates from 6th April 2024 are
April 6th 2024 onwards
8% on salary between £12,570 and £50,270.
2% on salaries above £50,270
January 6th 2024 – April 6th 2024
10% on salary between £12,570 and £50,270.
2% on salaries above £50,270
April 6th 2023 – January 5th 2024
12% on salary between £12,570 and £50,270.
2% on salaries above £50,270
Class 1 National Insurance for Employers
All employers pay Class 1 NICs on employee’s salaries or wages.
If you work via an umbrella (or contract directly with an agency), your employer will deduct employers’ NICs at source from your assignment rate.
If you contract via your own limited company, your company pays employers’ NICs on salaries paid to employees.
Class 1 Employers’ NIC rate for 2024/5
The employers’ NI rate is 13.8% on salaries above £9,100. There is no upper earnings’ limit.
Employers don’t pay NI on salaries or wages of £9,100 or less per annum.
What about the employment allowance?
The Employment Allowance reduces eligible employers’ NIC liabilities by up to £5,000 per year.
So, your employers’ NIC bill may be reduced (or cut completely) on salaries above the £9,100 threshold.
However, the eligibility rules have been tightened several times in recent years. Most small companies (including all one-man companies) are ineligible to claim.
What are Class 1A NI contributions?
If your employer provides you with any benefits in kind – such as a company car, it has to pay NICs on the value of these benefits. These are Class 1A contributions.
The company’s NIC liability is payable annually – by 19th July following the end of the tax year in question.
Class 2 and 4 NICs for the self employed
The self-employed (sole traders and partnerships) pay Class 4 NICs. Sole traders with low profits can make voluntary Class 2 contributions if they want to.
IT contractors rarely work on a ‘self-employed’ basis – however, many freelancers do.
Class 4 NICs are: 6% on annual profits between £12,570 and £50,270, and 2% on profits above £50,270 during 2024/5.
Your Class 4 liability is calculated via the self assessment process.
From April 2024, Class 2 NICs are no longer mandatory. However, individuals with annual profits below the £6,725 small profits threshold can still make payments of £3.45 a week. This ensures that their entitlement to the State Pension counts for the current tax year.
National Insurance and the State Pension
The State Pension is worth £221.20 per week (2024/5) – up from £203.85 per week (2023/4).
However, the exact amount you will receive upon retirement depends on how many qualifying years’ of NI contributions you make during your working life.
You need 35 qualifying years to receive the full amount.
You must receive a salary above the Lower Earnings Limit (LEL) for a tax year to qualify towards your pension.
For 2024/5 the LEL is £6,396.
Further Information
Visit GOV.UK’s National Insurance section for in-depth guides, including the prevailing Class 1 (employers/employees) NI rates and self-employed NI rates.
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