Companies House maintains data about all UK limited companies, including the home addresses of company directors. The ‘service address’ concept affords privacy to individuals who wish to keep their residential address private.
Self assessment threshold changes for high earners paid via PAYE – 2023/4 and 2024/5
If your entire income is taxed under PAYE, you don’t have to complete a self-assessment form for the 2023/24 tax year if you earned less than £150,000. This filing threshold has been scrapped altogether from 2024/5 onwards.
Compliance firm warns over unsolicited calls from umbrella brokers
The head of a leading umbrella compliance firm urges contractors to be cautious if they receive unsolicited calls from umbrella company brokers.
Can you claim health and other medical expenses through your company?
One of the most frequent questions contractors ask is, “What health-related expenses can I pay through my company?”
How to make sure a new client pays your invoices on time
When you start contracting with a new client, there are several things you should put in place to ensure that you get paid on time.
Who owns your software development code?
For software developers and digital agencies, source code is the stock in trade; it’s what you do for a living and what you’re paid for. But who owns the code once it has been written?
What are the typical duties and responsibilities of a limited company accountant?
If you strip away all the marketing and price differences between competing firms, there are a number of core tasks all specialist contractor accountants undertake for their clients.
What if your client or recruitment agent fails to pay on time?
Whether you’re working directly for the client or via a recruitment agent, late payments are an unacceptable – and all too common – occurrence for IT contractors.
Change your contractor accountant – how to switch firms
As a company director, your accountant is likely to be your most important and trusted source of professional expertise while running your business. But what happens if things go wrong?
Cycle to work scheme – are limited company directors eligible?
The Cycle to Work scheme is an initiative set up to promote health and reduce pollution. What are the benefits for limited companies and their employees?
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