As almost 60% of agencies plan for an April shower on recruitment, chancellor Rachel Reeves is told, ‘If you make a mistake you should own up.’
HMRC to tax Double Cab Pick-Ups as cars from April 2024
The taxman is u-turning his own u-turn on pick-up trucks, signalling ‘huge’ incoming costs for limited company contractors.
HMRC spotlights MSCs, ahead of umbrella company regulation
Advisers range from supportive to troubled about HMRC ‘reiterating’ nine tests that 1,000 IT contractors so far not passing is costing them £57,000. Each.
‘Don’t do a Rachel Reeves and play with fire on your CV’
A series of LinkedIn edits by the ‘bragging’ chancellor seems at odds with claims that the Treasury boss has been honest.
Contractor mortgages ‘unlikely to reflect interest rate cut’
600,000 people on tracker mortgages just benefitted from the 0.25%-point shaving. For everyone else, the picture ranges from unclear to inflationary.
HMRC hikes unpaid tax late payment interest rate by a ‘punitive’ 2.5%
LITRG, CIOT, WTT Group and IPSE object to an incoming 9% charge on tax debts.
IT contractor sector in last-ditch Autumn Budget appeals, in wake of Starmer’s ‘working people’ definition
The PM’s definition of who is and isn’t going to be tax raided on Wednesday appears to kick the freelance tech sector while it’s already ‘significantly down.’
Public sector jobs shift ‘yet to boost contract IT market’
Agents have their say to on whether a public sector ‘hiring frenzy is on the horizon.’
The software that Jack built. Or didn’t. Allegedly. Maybe
A High Court wrangle over parking software contains so many redlines that the key areas affecting IT contractors are somehow in the double figures.
Only dodgy directors need fear the new Companies House
With new penalties and powers, a ‘talking tough’ Companies House warns PSCs not to ignore its warnings.