When you apply to Companies House to form a company for the first time, you’ll have to provide a number of addresses, the most important one being your registered office address. What can you do to protect your privacy?
Business Structures - Limited Company
Most professional contractors work via their own limited companies. It remains the most tax-efficient business structure, despite recent increases in dividend tax and Corporation Tax.
Company directors have more paperwork and legal obligations than umbrella company contractors, but a specialist accountant can take care of these administrative duties for you.
- If you only have 5 minutes, make sure you read 10 things you should know before setting up a limited company
- How much does it cost to set up a limited company?
- Limited company basics - how to set up a company, and the responsibilities you have as a director
- Limited vs. Umbrella - find out more about the advantages and disadvantages of each business structure
- For in-depth guides to setting up a company, try Limited Company Help
Limited company or PAYE umbrella – advantages and disadvantages
Almost all contractors who provide professional services to clients trade via their own limited companies, or join a PAYE umbrella. Here we’ve compiled a table to help compare the pros and cons of each structure.
Forming a company – Articles and Memorandum of Association
If you want to form a new company, alongside the Companies House application itself (IN01), you must also file Articles and a Memorandum of Association. Here, we explain what these documents are, and how to submit them.
In what sense is your liability limited if you run a company?
One of the main attractions of contracting via your own company is that the liability of its shareholders is limited. So, to what extent is the liability of company directors limited?
Members’ Voluntary Liquidation (MVL): a guide for contractors
If you’ve decided to close your limited company, a members’ voluntary liquidation is the most tax-efficient way to do it. Here we explain what an MVL is, and how the process works.
Why your limited company might need a shareholders’ agreement
If you decide to set up a limited company with other people – either for contracting purposes or to run another type of business, how do you ensure that all of your shareholders (including yourselves) are protected in case something goes wrong? A well-drafted shareholders’ agreement might be the answer.
What is a Certificate of Incorporation?
When you register a company in the UK, once your application has been processed and approved, Companies House will send you a formal certificate of incorporation.
What are statutory records, and why should you maintain them?
If you’re running your own limited company, there are a number of records the directors are obliged to keep. Here we explain what these registers are used for, and what types of information they contain.
Managed Service Company legislation – how does it affect contractors?
A recent case has highlighted the impact of the MSC legislation on the contracting industry. How can you ensure that you are not involved with an MSC provider – who is effectively controlling your limited company?
How to close down / dissolve a limited company
As a limited company contractor, you can choose to voluntarily shut down your company and remove it from the Companies House register. This means the company will cease to exist and you won’t face any more administrative duties or running costs for the business.