In this guide, we will discuss personal guarantees by limited company directors; why they’re requested, how they increase your risk, and why you need to be aware of them.
Legal Guides
As a contractor you may encounter a wide variety of legal scenarios - from making sure your contracts are valid, to dealing with potential disputes.
Legal considerations when developing and supplying software as a business
Developing and supplying software as a business requires careful attention to legal considerations to protect the interests of both your business and your customers.
What are the legal requirements of a contract?
Throughout our lives, we are surrounded by and governed by contracts of all shapes and sizes; however, we probably take little time to consider what a contract is and what terms are contained.
How does a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) work?
With NDAs becoming ever more commonplace, you must have a base-level understanding of these documents, why they are used and some of the things to be aware of before signing.
Understanding software intellectual property protection
Software including digital products and applications can be protected using various types of intellectual property (also known as IP).
Why your limited company might need a shareholders’ agreement
If you decide to set up a limited company with other people – either for contracting purposes or to run another type of business, how do you ensure that all of your shareholders (including yourselves) are protected in case something goes wrong? A well-drafted shareholders’ agreement might be the answer.
The risks of contracting without a written contract in place
Not all contractors start work with a signed contract in place. Here we consider the risks this may involve, and why a contract doesn’t necessarily have to be in writing for it to be legally binding.
Contracting and dealing with late payment problems
What contractors should do if a client or agency fails to pay an invoice ontime. How online software, organisation, and a knowledge of your rights will protect your cashflow.
Key things to look out for before signing a contract
Due to the emphasis often placed on IR35, contractors may enter into contractual agreements without fully understanding the practicality and implications of the other provisions contained within them. Here are some typical things to look out for before you sign on the dotted line.
Accidental contracts – take care when negotiating with clients via email
In this article, commercial solicitor Leigh Ellis explains why contractors should be careful when negotiating with potential clients, as you could unwittingly enter a binding contract during an email conversation if you don’t use the correct terminology.