Almost everyone has a smartphone these days – typically using them for both personal and business purposes. With this in mind, can you legitimately claim the costs of smart devices against your limited company’s tax bill?
Limited Company Contractor Expenses
- As a contractor, you may incur a number of expenses related to your trade.
- For limited company contractors, you can offset almost all legitimate business expenses against your company's Corporation Tax bill.
- However, if you receive any personal benefit from business expenses paid by your company, you - and the company = will be taxed on the value of any 'Benefits-in-Kind'.
- Umbrella contractors can typically reclaim a number of expenses, although the treatment of expenses claims does vary between providers.
- Start with our popular guide to limited company expenses.
30+ allowable business expenses your limited company can claim
As a limited company owner, you will incur a variety of business expenses whilst running your business. Here, we look at which expenses are ‘allowable’ for tax purposes.
Company car vs. own vehicle – claiming tax relief
Many contractors travel by car on business – they may be visiting client sites, or attending conferences and training sessions. However, when it comes to claiming tax relief for the costs of these journeys, the rules can be confusing.
How to claim training expenses via your limited company
Investing in improving your own skills or those of your employees can give you a crucial edge when it comes to pitching for new contracts. However, before funding training via your limited company, it’s important to know what you can – and cannot – claim as a deductible expense.
Can a contractor claim relocation expenses?
At some stage, whilst working via your limited company, you may face a situation where you need to relocate to take up a new contracting role. You may be able to offset your moving costs against your company’s tax bill.
Should you pay for health insurance via your limited company or personally?
Private Medical Insurance covers the cost of obtaining private medical care should you fall ill. Insurance policies can be paid personally or met by your company as part of your remuneration package.
Entertaining clients – which expenses can you reclaim?
There may be times when you want to drum up some new business by entertaining a would-be or existing client, but you may be unsure if you can reclaim the costs from your contracting business.
Tax treatment of loyalty scheme benefits generated by company spending
There are many retail loyalty schemes available to consumers – covering anything from groceries to cosmetics. Wouldn’t it be good if you could personally benefit from extra points generated by business as well as personal purchases?
Which business travel expenses can contractors claim?
As a contractor, you may need to travel as part of your contract duties – within the UK, or even overseas. Which travel expenses can you legitimately claim?
What expenses can you claim when contracting abroad?
If you’re thinking of taking up a job offer overseas, or you’re already contracting abroad, one potentially confusing aspect of record-keeping relates to expenses claims.